

This page is for websites lost to time, dead links, etc. Things that are gone and only exist as internet ghosts.

June Manga

June Manga is still publishing as of time of writing (October 2024), however there is is still lost media and such from them. June Manga's earliest entry on the Internet Archive:

June also briefly had a digital magazine called 'E-Choco' that I haven't found much information on yet.

Their shop is gone, but below is screen shots from IA of what the shop used to look like and examples of what they had for sale.

June Magazine

June Magazine is different from June Manga. Starting in 1978, and originally titled 'Comic Jun', June Magazine popularized the- my brain is gone actually. Come back later when I can write again, okay? OTL

June Magazine originally ran for 85 issues. I will upload the covers here as I find them.

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